Harvestella - a sort of blend of Final Fantasy, Harvest Moon, and Rune Factory - begins with players waking up with a bad case of amnesia in a world where the seasons are governed by four giant crystals known as Seaslight. Unfortunately for the locals, something has gone awry and a deadly dust known as the Quietus has started seeping from the crystals, trapping people indoors and causing crops to wither and die. And that’s not the end of their problems; as players settle into a vacant house on the outskirts of Lethe Village, a huge comet falls to the earth nearby, bringing with it the armoured body of an Omen, thought to be the cause of the calamity. We see some of this in Nintendo’s showcase, but the bulk of the play-through is focused around Harvestella’s second chapter as players start to explore the dungeon-like Higan Canyon, with help from new pal Dianthus. If you’ve played a farming life sim before, Harvestella should be immediately familiar, with the genre’s time-limited loops of farming, socialising, and adventuring all present and correct. Farming, for instance, requires the regular planting and watering of seeds in order to grow crops to raise money. Money can then be used to purchase new farming and adventuring equipment in Lethe Village, which houses a doctor, blacksmith, store, renovator, and more - and, crucially, is able to experience all four seasons given its proximity to every Seaslight. Nintendo’s demo primarily focuses on Harvestella as governed by the autumnal Seaslight, with a lengthy look at adventuring through the dungeon-like Higan Canyon, where players, as part of a quest to find a missing girl, must to tackle monsters, collect resources, and repair ladders that serve as shortcuts for future visits - meaning they should be able to push a little further before the day comes to an end with each subsequent attempt. It’s all very beautiful with its fiery splashes of autumnal hues, and the livestream ends with a glimpse of a boss fight against a unicorn, unlocking the Mage job class for future specialisation. Job classes affect the weapons and abilities players can access in combat, with Square having previously revealed the Fighter, Mage, Shadow Walker, and Sky Lancer jobs. It’s also now teases a new job - the Assault Savant, based around science and martial arts - over on its blog. Square’s blog post also details a few other elements not seen during Nintendo’s showcase, including a tease of Harvestella’s autumn crops and cuisine, its pets, its livestock (which produce the likes of eggs and milk), and letters from locals, bringing thanks, rewards, and even new side-quests. Additonally, there’s a look at Break Gauges, filled by attacking strong enemies’ elemental weaknesses during combat to activate one-time Special Attacks. Harvestella comes to Switch and Steam on 4th November. Alongside the digital release, a physical edition will also be available on Nintendo’s platform.